5-isobenzofurancarbonitrile, 1-(3-(dimethylamino)propyl)-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-,(1S)-, ethanedioate(1:1) C47518 1,2,4-triazolo(4,3-a)pyridin-3(2h)-one, 2-(3-(4-(3-chlorophenyl)-1-piperazinyl)propyl)-, monohydrochloride C47767 butanedioic acid, compound with 4-(2-(dimethylamino)-1-(1-hydroxycyclohexyl)ethyl)phenol (1:1), monohydrate C61704 1-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-5-isobenzofurancarbonitrile monohydrobromide C28932 2-(3-(4-(3-chlorophenyl)piperazin-1-y)propyl)-1,2,4-triazolo(4,3-a)pyridine-3(2H)-one hydrochloride C47767 (-)-(3s,4r)-4-(p-fluorophenyl)-3-((3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenoxy)methyl)piperidine hydrochloride C1837 piperidine, 3-((1,3-benzodioxol-5-yloxy)methyl)-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-,(3s,4r)-, methanesulfonate C47653 1-propanamine, 3-(10,11-dihydro-5g-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-n-methyl-, hydrochloride C704 (-)-(3s,4r)-4-(p-fluorophenyl)-3-((3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenoxy)methyl)piperidine mesylate C47653 1,3-dihydro-1-(3-(dimethylamino)propyl)-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-isobenzofuranicarbonitrile C61680 (-)-(3s,4r)-4-(p-fluorophenyl)-3-((3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenoxy)methyl)piperidine C61879 piperidine, 3-((1,3-benzodioxol-5-yloxy)methyl)-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-, (3s-trans)- C61879 (+-)-1-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-[(1,1-dimethylethyl)amino]-1-propanone hydrochloride C1317 (-)-trans-4-(p-fluorophenyl)-3-((3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenoxy)methyl)piperidine C61879 1-propanone, 1-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-((1,1-dimethylethyl)amino)-, hydrobromide C74947 did you experience feelings of depression on stopping the dexamethasone C113456 have you experienced low mood, sadness, depression and/or easy crying C113458 qs-hospital anxiety and depression scale questionnaire test code C103469 qs-geriatric depression scale short form questionnaire test name C106664 qs-geriatric depression scale short form questionnaire test code C106665 qs-hospital anxiety and depression scale questionnaire test name C103468 N-methyl-gamma-(4-(trifluoromethyl)-phenoxy)-benzenepropanamine C506 1-propanone, 1-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-((1,1-dimethylethyl)amino)- C62012 hospital anxiety and depression scale questionnaire (hads) C103520 qs-hamilton depression rating scale - 17 item test name C100137 qs-hamilton depression rating scale - 17 item test code C100138 hamilton depression rating scale 21-item questionnaire C102119 hamilton depression rating scale 17 item questionnaire C100767 qs-hamilton depression rating scale 21-item test name C101822 qs-geriatric depression scale questionnaire test name C106662 qs-geriatric depression scale questionnaire test code C106663 qs-hamilton depression rating scale 21-item test code C101821 npi - show any other signs of depression or sadness C100657 hospital anxiety and depression scale questionnaire C103520 geriatric depression scale short form questionnaire C106698 cdisc questionnaire hamd 21 test name terminology C101822 center for epidemiologic studies depression scale C77964 cdisc questionnaire hamd 21 test code terminology C101821 cdisc questionnaire hamd 17 test code terminology C100138 cdisc questionnaire hamd 17 test name terminology C100137 updrs - mentation, behavior and mood: depression C100903 cdisc questionnaire gds-sf test name terminology C106664 cdisc questionnaire gds-sf test code terminology C106665 distress over emotional problem with depression C107179 cdisc questionnaire hads test name terminology C103468 major depressive episode with peripartum onset C92852 cdisc questionnaire hads test code terminology C103469 cdisc questionnaire gds test name terminology C106662 cdisc questionnaire gds test code terminology C106663 serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitors H1 serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors H2 serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor H1 serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor H2 perinatal central nervous system depression C101271 norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor H3 difficult transition to extrauterine life C101271 geriatric depression scale questionnaire C106697 depressive episode with postpartum onset C92852 depression after stopping dexamethasone C113456 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors C94725 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor C94725 have low mood, sadness, or depression C113458 cancer patient depression and suicide C9219 hamilton rating scale for depression C103520 depression with melancholic features C34812 npi - depression/dysphoria frequency C103611 npi - depression/dysphoria fxs score C112472 npi - depression/dysphoria distress C103613 npi - depression/dysphoria severity C103612 npi1-depression/dysphoria frequency C103611 npi1-depression/dysphoria fxs score C112472 npi1-depression/dysphoria severity C103612 npi1-depression/dysphoria distress C103613 paroxetine hydrochloride anhydrous C1837 eq-5d-3l - anxiety or depression C100396 does the patient have depression C106394 eq-5d-5l - anxiety or depression C102071 hamilton depression rating scale C103520 comorbid anxiety and depression H6 mpai-4 - adjustment: depression C115865 feeling worried, sad or unhappy C120243 npi1-other signs of depression C100657 hads01-total score depression C118112 emotional problems depression C107179 hads - total score depression C118112 recurrent depressive disorder H20 seasonal depressive disorder H18 depressive psychotic episode H10 mixed depression and anxiety H6 hypomanic depressive episode H10 seasonal affective disorder H18 tetracyclic antidepressants H4 paroxetine methanesulfonate C47653 nortriptyline hydrochloride C704 hamilton depression scores C103520 tetracyclic antidepressant H4 major depressive disorder C35094 eq5d02-anxiety/depression C102071 eq5d01-anxiety/depression C100396 worst possible depression C107395 beck depression inventory C40438 manic depressive disorder C34423 tricyclic antidepressants C94727 venlafaxine hydrochloride C29540 duloxetine hydrochloride C65469 paroxetine hydrochloride C1837 tricyclic antidepressant C94727 brief depressive episode H10 ctcae grade 4 depression C55451 ctcae grade 1 depression C55448 ctcae grade 2 depression C55449 ctcae grade 3 depression C55450 depression adverse event C55447 ctcae grade 5 depression C55452 sertraline hydrochloride C29451 fluoxetine hydrochloride C2829 paroxetine hydrochloride C1837 desvenlafaxine succinate C61704 postpartum mood disorder C92852 trazodone hydrochloride C47767 citalopram hydrobromide C28932 bupropion hydrochloride C1317 post-partum depression C92852 bupropion hydrobromide C74947 delustional depression H21 post stroke depression H7 depression and suicide C6768 suicide and depression C6768 melancholic depression C34812 endogenous depression C34532 gds short form testcd C106665 postpartum depression C92852 bipolar mood disorder C34423 bipolar II depression C34423 escitalopram oxalate C47518 bipolar I depression C34423 cyclothymic disorder H9 geriatric depression H20 postnatal depression C92852 perinatal depression C116313 childhood depression C97163 intrapartum asphyxia C116313 recurrent depression H20 antidepressant agent C265 antidepressant drugs C265 paroxetine mesylate C47653 neurotic depression C35369 reactive depression C34533 unipolar depression C35094 gds short form test C106664 agitated depression H14 prenatal depression H19 seasonal depression H18 atypical deperssion H17 comorbid depression H6 clinical depression H16 moderate depression H12 bipolar II disorder C34423 maternal depression H8 bipolar I disorder C34423 chronic depression H15 depressive episode H10 hostile depression H14 grade 3 depression C55450 grade 5 depression C55452 grade 2 depression C55449 grade 1 depression C55448 bipolar depression C34424 perinatal asphyxia C116313 hads questionnaire C103520 grade 4 depression C55451 severe depression H13 fiqr01-depression C103559 qs-hamd 17 testcd C100138 fiqr - depression C103559 siqr01-depression C103745 qs-hamd 21 testcd C101821 siqr - depression C103745 qs-gds-sf testcd C106665 birth depression C116313 mpai1-depression C115865 bipolar disorder C34423 manic-depression C34423 major depression C35094 antidepressants C2945 mild depression H12 dysphoric mania H11 qs-hamd 21 test C101822 qs-hamd 17 test C100137 s(+)-citalopram C61754 beck depression H25 hassless scores H5 hassless score H5 antidepressant C2945 desvenlafaxine C61703 qs-gds-sf test C106664 hamd 21 testcd C101821 hamd 17 testcd C100138 birth asphyxia C116313 has depression C106394 fetal asphyxia C116313 gds short form C106698 depressed mood C2982 qs-hads testcd C103469 (s)-citalopram C61754 mood disorders H24 qs-gds testcd C106663 nortriptyline C62060 mixed episode H10 amitriptyline C62005 mood disorder H24 amfebutamone C1317 hamd 21 test C101822 qs-hads test C103468 hamd 17 test C100137 escitalopram C61754 lu 26-054-0 C27518 lu 10-171-b C28932 amfebutamon C62012 venlafaxine C1278 cyclothymia H9 hads testcd C103469 melancholia C34812 qs-gds test C106662 mirtazapine C29265 wellbutrin C1317 forfivo xl C1317 paroxetine C61879 gds testcd C106663 depression C2982 sertraline C61939 citalopram C61680 nitalapram C61680 fluoxetine C506 duloxetine C65495 trialodine C47767 bupropine C62012 trazodone C29510 lu 10-171 C61680 hads test C103468 dysthymia C35369 brl 29060 C61879 bw 323u66 C1317 aplenzin C74947 seroplex C61754 eq5d0105 C100396 gds test C106662 eq5d0205 C102071 fiqr0116 C103559 siqr0116 C103745 hads0116 C118112 seropram C28932 cymbalta C65496 paxil cr C1837 allegron C704 norpress C704 pamelor C704 remeron C29265 effexor C29540 desyrel C47767 lexapro C47518 elopram C28932 npi1d08 C100657 hamd 17 C100767 npi1d10 C103612 npi1dfs C112472 hamd-21 C102119 mpai114 C115865 npi1d11 C103613 npi1d09 C103611 hamd 21 C102119 pristiq C61704 pexeva C47653 celexa C28932 prozac C2829 hads01 C103520 gds-sf C106698 cipram C61680 zoloft C29451 zyban C1317 ces-d C77964 gds01 C106697 hamd2 C102119 hamd1 C100767 gds02 C106698 saris H1 snris H2 ham-d C103520 tecas H4 paxil C1837 tcas C94727 hrsd C103520 hdrs C103520 hads C103520 sari H1 snri H2 ndri H3 teca H4 gds C106697 tca C94727 psd H7 ppd C92852 md C35094